Friday, May 27, 2011

Quilting Complete!

 Done with the quilting, on with the binding (and some sore fingers!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Giveaway Day!

Hope you have visited Sew Mama Sew's awesome Giveaway Day! There are wonderful prizes from fabric to homemade goodies. And you can visit some wonderful blogs from crafters around the world. Hurry, most end this Friday. Too fun, fingers are crossed!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Basted and Ready

 Now I get to start one of my favorite parts of quilting, quilting! I really do enjoy the process of machine stippling. Which is good because until I have the moolah to send my quilts to a long arm quilter, I'll be doing a lot of it! This quilt is my next Moda Bake Shop project. Hopefully you'll see it soon!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger's Quilt Festival!

I'ts time again for the Blogger's Quilt Festival hosted by Amy's Creative Side! I always look forward to seeing all of the beautiful quilts that are shared and excited to share my own! 
It's actually about time. I started this quilt almost a year ago and then let other projects get in the way. You know how that is right? But I finished it just in time because it's such a fresh, springy quilt!

I had been really loving coin quilts but I wanted to shake it up a bit. I call this Crooked Coins. I shifted the "coins" and added some triangles. I love the simplicity and the way the colors look like they're floating on the quilt.
The fabric is Moda's Verna by Kate Spain. I LOVE me some Kate Spain! If I only had her fabric to use, I'd actually be a happy camper. I used a Verna jelly roll and a white Moda Bella solid jelly roll. I also used some white yardage. The back is a green Verna print and I pieced the border with the Verna jelly roll.
I did a simple all over machine stipple on this one. I love the crinkly goodness when it is washed!
I plan on making a tutorial for this one, so keep checking back. Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I don't know about you, but I had a wonderful Mother's Day! My kids were so sweet to me and so excited to give me wishes and gifties. We have 9:00 am church so the morning was a bit of a rush but we got there on time, yay!
I am in charge of the children's music in my congregation and on Mother's Day they get to sing for everybody. They sang a song called "I Often Go Walking" which is about kids gathering blue blossoms and how they remind them of their mother. I thought it would look nice to have all the kids holding a blue flower while they sang together.
Using my Cricut, I cut out these flowers and then added a little Rolo candy for the center. I found popsicle sticks that were already green (whew!) and attached it all with glue dots.
I wish I could've taken a picture of all those beautiful children holding their flowers and singing. So cute! Afterward they gave the flowers to their moms with this message.
We came home from church and relaxed, had an easy lunch, watched a movie together and then we all went to the park and threw Aerobies. I'm just feeling so grateful for the four wonderful children I have been blessed with and the wonderful father that they have.  And most especially for my wonderful mother and Mother-In-Law. They have both taught me so much and I am constantly amazed at what they do.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cole Slaw

My hubby loves cole slaw but I have never tried making it. We had BBQ pulled pork sandwiches the other night and I thought cole slaw would make the perfect accompaniment so I gave it a shot! It's easy peasy and it turned out great! Here is the recipe:
Cole Slaw
1 - 16 oz. bag of cole slaw (you can shred your own lettuce, cabbage and carrots, but really, who has that kind of time)
2/3 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 c. minced onion
3 TBS Canola oil
2 TBS vinegar
1/2 tsp. celery seed
1/4 tsp. salt
Mix all together in a bowl and refrigerate to let the flavors meld. I made it in the morning and it was perfect at dinner.

Yield: One happy husband