Monday, June 27, 2011


I took Amy's One Thing, One Week Challenge and I accomplished it! I had done the quilt top but I needed to quilt and bind it. I actually finished it in a day. The friend I was making the quilt for had her baby and I was assigned to bring dinner to her last Tuesday. So I went into turbo mode and got it finished that day!
 I used Thimble Blossoms "Pint-Sized" pattern. Been dying to try this one and it went pretty quick. I want to try the pinwheel version that also included on the pattern too. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

School's Out for Summer!

 Yesterday was the last day of school, finally! We get out later than the rest of the planet and here we are in SoCal with the sun just taunting us! It was a great year with wonderful teachers. This is my Maggie with her teacher, Mrs. Hoffmann.
Maggie also had a great group of silly friends.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Time for a Challenge

Amy's Creative Side

I need a challenge! It's a great motivator to get things done. Amy is having her One Thing, One Week Challenge and I'm taking it on!

This week I want to finish this baby quilt. I have the quilt top done, I just need to baste and quilt! I am still trying to decide how to quilt it. Should I stipple it, or I may try just straight lines. Not sure...but I better figure it out quick, I only have a week!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

 Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful men in the world who hold that title. I hope they know how blessed they are to have little ones (and big ones!) that call them Dad".

I did not want to leave the dads of my church congregation out after what I did for the mom's on Mother's Day.
So when the  children sang to the congregation for Father's Day, I made ties out of card stock for each of the children to hold. It even looked like they were wearing the ties! It turned out really cute. They sang a couple of songs and then gave the ties to their dads when they finished.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Walk in the Park Quilt Tutorial

What you will need:

One Central Park by Kate Spain Jelly Roll
One Bella Basics White Jelly Roll
1/2 yard Central Park fabric for the border 

1/2 yard Central Park fabric for binding
3 yards fabric for backing

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy & Sad

The last couple of weeks have been really busy and really up and down. For one thing I have to stop watching the news, sometimes there is just too much information, you know? It's the last few weeks of the school year and there is so much to get done and events to get to. But there are also parties and fun to be had. But that's life - you take the good with the bad and the happy with the sad.

Here are a few of my happy and sad moments this week:

I'm sad that my father-in-law was just diagnosed with lymphoma. Especially after spending the last few years helping my mother-in-law get through two cancer diagnosis.
I'm happy that so far the prognosis is good.

I'm happy for my friends who made the lottery for an awesome new public charter school.
I'm sad that we didn't.

I'm sad that my husband turned 40 this week (how did we get so old?).
I'm happy that I am married to such a wonderful man and that we get to spend the next 40 years together.
(we made him a brownie "Oreo" cookie cake, yum!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

WIP Wednesday

Among the many projects I have swirling in my head, I actually have a couple of projects I have started.
As soon as I get the binding of this quilt done (I'm so close!) I will finish them up.
 I have the Oliver + S Jump Rope dress all cut out and ready to sew up.
And I've been working on this baby boy quilt for a friend who is due in a couple of weeks. I hope I can get it done before she's done! You can't go wrong with Arcadia (though you can't find Arcadia anymore either(sad face here)). So I have some work (can you call it work when you love it?) ahead of me.

Plus I'm helping a friend make signs and a gift basket for an auction at school and need to make 100 paper ties for a Father's Day presentation at church. I might just be a bit busy....