Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends! We are in St.George, UT again to be with my family. I just love coming here. We have all of our favorite haunts. I may even do a little blog tour of our adventures here. Basically this week is about family, shopping and food! Yee haw!
Here is a quick Thankgsgiving freebie! It's a table place card. Just copy the jpg and insert it into any program you like to use. Make sure the width is 3.5", print it out and write in the names.
Happy Feasting Everyone!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


November naturally brings thankfulness. It's time when you think about family and events of the past year. Today I am feeling extra grateful. We received news yesterday that my Father-in-Law's cancer is in remission. This comes after just a few weeks ago when we almost lost him. We have seen so many miracles! We feel so blessed to have my wonderful in-laws with us for years to come :).
I also just finished up some major projects for something I will tell you about soon. I'm very excited about them but also so glad to cross those off my list! I have so many things I've been wanting to do around our new house. Painting, decorating, sewing, it goes on and on. I guess the first item is to get to those dishes that have been piling up, oh well, the decorating will have to wait!
Have a THANKFUL day!