Thursday, February 16, 2012

Doll Quilt Swap 12

I have been stalking checking out quilt swaps for a long time. There are quite a few of them out there. Pin cushion swaps, mug rug swaps, potholder swaps, block swaps, and doll quilt swaps. And probably lots more I don't even know about. But it has never been a right time, right place kind of thing for me.
Recently I hopped onto the Doll Quilt Swap on Flickr and it was just in time, they were starting up Doll Quilt Swap 12! I entered hoping to get a spot and I got in! I am so thrilled to finally be a part of a swap.
I got my partner and have been busy trying to come up with a cool design and fabrics that I think she'll like.
To get the swap going, they also had a little Polka Dot Piggy contest. 
This is my entry:

 I call it "This Little Piggy Went to Market". It was a fun little mini project to start and finish.
I wish I could tell you join up, but the swap is closed for this round. I can't wait to see all the wonderful mini quilts that come out of it. Keep stalking your favorite swap and you could be next!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines 2012

Happy Valentines Day!
Hope you're having a fabulous day with your sweetheart!

I always hope to post pictures of the girl's valentines earlier, but they inevitably become the last minute stuff, tie, and this year sew projects!
For Maggie's we made little bottle cap zipper pulls. Got the caps and little ice cream treat stickers from Etsy. Then we added a bead charm and I designed the tag. We wrapped them up in plastic bags and added a few chocolate hearts and tied them with ribbons.
 We wrapped them up in plastic bags and added a few chocolate hearts and tied them with ribbons. She was so excited to share these with her friends.
Sophie of course, wanted to do something different. We decided to sew and stuff little hearts! I got Valentine scrapbook paper and cut them into hearts on my Cricut.
 Then I cut clear plastic vinyl and stitched around them with my sewing machine leaving a 1 1/2" hole. The girls stuffed them with valentines candy corn and then I stitched up the hole and added the tag.
The tag says "Your'e a Heartbreaker Valentine" because the only way to get into them is to break the heart!
I'll be including both the tags that you can download on the blog soon, never too early to plan for next year, right?
Tonight we will be having our annual Valentines Breakfast for dinner. It's a tradition since the kids were little. We used to have it at breakfast time until the kids started school, and then we had to switch it to dinner. But what's better than breakfast for dinner, right? :).
Happy Heart Day!