Saturday, April 24, 2010

Flora Market Baby Quilt Complete!

I have finally finished my first official quilt! I have made plenty of blankets and I only have the binding left to do on my other quilt, but this is my first start to finish quilt-quilt.
I made this for my beautiful new niece, Maris. It was the perfect excuse to make a smaller quilt that I COULD actually finish :).
I have had pink and green swimming in my head since the pattern testing for Patty and a lot of fun scraps of her fabric as well. So I paired her Flora & Fauna and Mezzanine fabrics with some Farmer's Market from Sandi Henderson, Summer Soiree dots from Paula Prass, Soiree from Lila Tueller and a little Pop Garden from Heather Bailey. All my favorite designers!
 The pattern is Vintage Baby by Kati Cupcake. I decided against the ruffles which I love but I just didn't think it needed it.
I machine stippled it and then washed it to give it all that crinkly goodness! And then I did my first hand sewn binding. Man, were my fingers sore!
I am just tickled pink at the way it turned out. I hope she likes it!


  1. Lovely, I have some of those fabrics, but I don't quilt myself. I guess I'll turn it into clothes for my daughter.

  2. Dear Aunt Ellie,

    I love my quilt! When my mama opened the package, she couldn't decide whether to hang it on the wall or let me use it. I'm so glad I get to sleep on it. Thank you so much! I love you!


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