Friday, July 2, 2010

Quilting Complete!

I have been silly to think that with the kids out of school I would have more time to work on projects. I forget that I have four munchkins at home all day that need a cruise director. And if I hear "I'm bored" one more time...But we're having a fun summer that involves a lot of swimming, park time, ice cream and movies. So I'm not complaining.

I have been able to squeeze in some time finish the quilting on my Meandering Path quilt. I have been sewing strait lines for a week! The last lines look much better than the first.
The horizontal blocks are quilted with a stipple and the vertical blocks are quilted with straight lines. I love the contrast and it makes the different blocks stand out more. I'm loving it! On to binding...


  1. Hey Ellie, I haven't been here for a few posts, sorry. I saw on one of your posts that you wanted your quilting to be 1/2 inch apart. Use painters tape. Just got to your hardware store(?). (thats where I go here in Aus) and buy 1/2 inch tape. It doesn't leave any residue on the quilt and each strip is re useable! Stick it next to the line you have just sewn and then sew along beside it. Easy!
    The quilt is looking great! Can't wait to get a good look at it finished!

  2. Hey Kelli, thanks so much for the pointer! Now that you mention it, I do remember that idea. Darn, too late now but I will definitely use that in future! Thanks!


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