Monday, March 5, 2012

New Projects

I have a ton of project swirling around me, but sometimes it's nice to have a deadline and a challenge to get things done! I'm joining the One Thing, One Week Challenge at Amy's Creative Side to do just that!
Amy's Creative Side

I was also asked by my dear friend, Katie to make another quilt for another daughter who is getting baptized. I made this quilt and matching pillows for her darling daughter Heidi.  Now it's Jennessee's turn! She picked the beautiful fabric on the left and the wonderful June Bug quilt pattern from Thimble Blossoms. We found some coordinates and I'm off and running. I excited to see how this turns out.

Of course I am still working on my Doll Quilt for the DQS 12. Here are a few of the blocks I've finished.
It's my first time using a solid color other than white (part of the rules)! These are 4" little bitties and so much fun to put together. I'm using Good Fortune fabric from Kate Spain.
I've also got a new dress for Charlotte in the works using the Ice Cream Social dress pattern from Oliver + S and Sandi Henderson's Secret Garden fabric. Yum!
Wish we luck on my challenge and I'll post updates soon!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Winning! (that phrase will just never be the same will it?) But I have been!  The stars must be aligned for me these days.
My little piggie was one of the winners of the Polka Dot Piggie contest in the Doll Quilt Swap Flickr group!!
What did I win? Fabric and chocolate! Seriously, what could be better? Thanks SharpShayla!
Cut to me sitting in a carpool line waiting for school to let out. I was listening to the radio and they were offering two tickets to the opening night of Spamalot at the Pantages theater in Los Angeles. I love musical theater I and have seen my share of shows, but it has been a few years since I've been able to go.
So I decided to call in and try. Busy, busy, busy, then the phone rang and the D.J. answered! I was a little taken aback, that's never happened before. I won! How crazy is that? I was pretty excited and I sounded so goofy on the radio. Let's just say I didn't get any of my parents performing genes.

So...Tues. night the hubs and I got to go to the theater! Since it was opening night they had a little paparazzi stage set up. We had everyone taking our picture (okay, just the couple we asked to take our picture:). Eric Idle, Jane Lynch, and Beverly D'Angelo were the biggest stars there. There were a handful of "C-list" actors too and it was fun to figure out what we had seen them in.
 The show was silly with humor in the lowest form (if you've seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail you know what I'm talking about) but it was awesome to be out on the town.
Winning! What will be next?