Friday, June 29, 2012

Pillow Talk {Swap} Pillow Done!

The pillow for Pillow Talk {Swap} 8 is finished! I made a spool quilt design using Flea Market Fancy and Annie's Farm Stand fabrics. 
I cut crooked strips of fabric and stitched them together, alternating two different fabrics. It's supposed to look like little spools of thread!
 I decided to use straight line quilting again to keep the spools looking like thread. I like the simplicity of it.
For the binding I used alternating strips of the fabrics sewn together and the pillow is secured with fabric covered buttons.
 It's always fun to try out a new block that I've never tried and I like the way it turned out! I hope my partner likes it too!
Stay tuned for a BIG announcement that I've been really excited about!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Pillow Talk { Swap }

Yes, I did it again, I joined another swap! Do I have time for a swap? No. Do I have a million other projects to do? Yes. Do I have any spare time? No. Am I making happen? YES! Because it's just so fun! My new swap is The Pillow Talk {Swap}
   There are some amazing little pillows these gals have created. And I'm working on a minor change of decor in the family room (begrudgingly getting rid of pink!). So I see it as I'm letting someone else make me a new pillow for free! If I had to do it myself, it would get shoved to the bottom of the list (like the curtains, quilts for my girls, etc.). 
Yes, I have to make a pillow for someone else, but that's always more fun anyway, right? Plus I have a definitive timeline, I HAVE to get it done. And I just work better with a deadline!
So you might be asking why I have all of these pictures of Flea Market Fancy? I finally had to cave and buy some. I'm probably the last quilter to do so. I missed it the first time around and knew I couldn't miss the reprint. I feel like a real quilter now;). I got a Jelly Roll. It's scrumptious!
I'm using this fabric on the pillow I'm making for my partner. Here's a sneaky peaky! I'm going to start quilting it today (hopefully!) It's for a certain special room in her house, can you guess which one?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mini Hexie Magnets!

This month's project for the RATZ Swap is magnets! I decided to make my first little hexies. I have been avoiding making hexagons for a long time knowing they might lead to an addiction. Boy was I right, these were so fun to make! Now I want to keep going and make a quilt. Or at least a pillow!
 These little babies are 3/4" I actually used a piece of Warm & White batting instead of paper inside to give it a little more "body". Then I basted them. Next I used embroidery floss and stitched around the edges, then I removed the basting stitch.
 On the backed a cut out felt and glued it on with E-6000 adhesive. I got the cutest little 1/2" neodymium magnets. They are low profile but extremely strong!
 I made one embroidered hexie on linen of a little tree. Now I wish I'd done more! So many possibilities with these little things!
I'll be sending these off tomorrow. Hope my partner likes them, I think I'll be making more!

Oh, and my partner received her key chain, so I can share the front. Both her first and last name start with a "C", so that's what I did!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Farmer's Wife Friday

 Just a couple of blocks to share this week. They remind me of summer. I think it was wishful thinking because it's not here yet for us!

This is the final couple of weeks of school, and they're always the busiest. We have perfect summer weather here in Southern California and we can't play in it yet. Are you already out of school? If so/not, what date were/are you out? My munchkins last day is June 21st. I don't think I can wait that long! Bring on summer!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Magnified" Popcorn Primary Teacher Thank You

I put together another thank you treat for the Primary teachers at my church Primary and I thought I'd pass it on. There are a lot ideas out there with silly little sayings, but not a whole lot of printables! This was one of my favorite sayings, so I made a printable for it that you can have FREE!
Click HERE for a PDF that states, with love, The Primary Presidency
Click HERE for a PDF that states, with love, and then is blank
I printed them on cardstock and used double sticky tape to attach it to a package of microwave popcorn. Then I wrapped some baker's twine around it and tied a little bow. This could really be a thank you for anyone at church, so use the blank version and give them to anyone faithfully serving in their callings. People love to be appreciated! :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Keychain Swap Received!

I was thrilled to receive a package from the U.K.! As part of the RATZ Swap I received this beautiful key chain from Celine (espritpatch).
 She used my favorite colors, pink, green, aqua and made a wonderful patchwork leaf. And then on the back,a simple linen.
I just loved the way it turned out, I'm so pleased with it and my keys are on it right now!
Thank you Celine! I seriously love swaps. There is nothing better than getting a handmade item in a fun little package in the mail. :) Next up, fabric magnets!