Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mini Hexie Magnets!

This month's project for the RATZ Swap is magnets! I decided to make my first little hexies. I have been avoiding making hexagons for a long time knowing they might lead to an addiction. Boy was I right, these were so fun to make! Now I want to keep going and make a quilt. Or at least a pillow!
 These little babies are 3/4" I actually used a piece of Warm & White batting instead of paper inside to give it a little more "body". Then I basted them. Next I used embroidery floss and stitched around the edges, then I removed the basting stitch.
 On the backed a cut out felt and glued it on with E-6000 adhesive. I got the cutest little 1/2" neodymium magnets. They are low profile but extremely strong!
 I made one embroidered hexie on linen of a little tree. Now I wish I'd done more! So many possibilities with these little things!
I'll be sending these off tomorrow. Hope my partner likes them, I think I'll be making more!

Oh, and my partner received her key chain, so I can share the front. Both her first and last name start with a "C", so that's what I did!


  1. okay, these are just adorable! i had to pin them--so cute, ellie!

  2. Thanks for the idea for the magnets! I have been looking in stores for some and just can't find the perfect ones. These are cute! :)


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