Friday, March 15, 2013

Farmer's Wife Friday

Welcome to Farmer's Wife Friday! Link up your blog posts or pictures of your Farmer's Wife blocks.
Even with good progress on my new project, (I know, I know, I really shouldn't take on new projects when I have so many WIPs but I can't help it!) I was able to piece together a couple of blocks this week. And they weren't easy, lots and I mean LOTS of little pieces!
 The first block is #67, Pine Tree. I took the tree part pretty literally and made it green. I also used my new favorite background, the white with red polka dots. Such a simple element, but I love the difference it makes. 
  I've been excited for a while to make #68 Postage Stamp. There is just nothing like the simplicity of patch worked squares! I decided to carry on the color scheme from the other block and use all green and yellow fabrics. And the little pops of red add just the right touch. I'll admit, the piecing isn't totally precise, but these blocks are so small and it was downright hard to keep them perfect!

Actually, the hardest part about each of these blocks was just cutting out all those little squares and triangles. But as with all the blocks, it was worth it! Two more down and lots more fun to go. :) What blocks are you working on, it's time to link up!
Here are the rules:

Use the linky and link your blog posts or flickr pictures.
Grab a Farmer's Wife Friday button (on the right side bar) and link back to this post.
Have fun reading everyone's posts! Don't forget, everyone loves a nice comment!

Hope you get a chance to work on more of these happy blocks this week!


  1. Your blocks look great! How are you making them....paper piece or templates?

    I agree...those tiny pieces are killing me!

  2. I love these, May is my month to start and you have given me so much inspiration!

  3. Looking great... Love your fabrics...Have a great week


Thank you for your comment, I love hearing from you!