Monday, June 14, 2010

Basting and Contemplating

I finally picked out my backing fabric for my Meandering Path quilt. I chose the Wildlife pattern! 
I thought it's kind of a crazy, meandering pattern and fit the name and feel of my quilt. Plus it will hide a plethora of quilting mistakes! : ) I ordered it, received it, pieced it together and now I am in the process of basting.
While basting away I've been contemplating our future. My wonderful hubby was offered a job back in our old home of Southern California. Though we are so grateful to have work, especially in this economy, we have mixed feelings. We left SoCal a year ago thinking we wouldn't be back. Actually it's a pretty long story that involves Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. but I won't get into that. : )
We're just honestly not sure we want to go back. Oh there's not much NOT to love about SoCal, but it's very expensive, crowded, and they just had another earthquake as I write! So we are weighing the pros and cons...the biggest pro being a job of course! I'll keep you posted, for now quilting is keeping me sane. 

1 comment:

  1. This quilt is so gorgeous!
    Looking forward to seeing this quilted.
    I have just ordered a heap of Botany from Hancocks, I can't wait to get it!!!
    Good luck with the choices ahead, lucky that quilting is such great therapy huh! : )


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