Friday, June 11, 2010

I've Been a Travelin'

Just got home late Tuesday night from a 9 day vacation! It was SO wonderful. My husband has been on an out of town project since December so it was so nice to have him with us for more than a couple of days.
We went on our annual trip to Sedona, AZ with my husband's family. Every day we take a great hike, swim, have good food and hang out. My husband is the oldest of five kids who are all married and there are a total of 14 little cousins running around. It's a great time for us all to get together and we look forward to it every year.
One of the things we do each year is take a family picture. It took us two tries this year, but we got a good one. We are the green family on the bottom left.

After Sedona, we headed down to Phoenix for the weekend, Scottsdale to be exact. We like the Phoenix area and have thought about moving there more than once. We cruise around and look at possible places to live.

(Maggie looking beautiful with some beautiful fish)
We celebrated my hubby's birthday while we were there too. He took my son to a water park and I took the girls to the new Sea Life Aquarium at the Arizona Mills outlet mall.
(Sophie checking out one serious Manta Ray)
 We did some shopping for dad while we were there too. Then we partied at Texas Roadhouse for dinner.

(Chris, the birthday boy and Charlotte my little monkey)
That day Chris had gotten a call about a job interview in SoCal. So we left right after dinner and headed to Orange County, CA (our home for 12 years!)
I'd like to say that we got to go here (above photo), but we just hung out, had the interview, ran some errands, and then left before rush hour. Everything went well so we'll wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining my blog!

    Looks like you had a great time in Sedona. I have been there & I know how beautiful the scenary is.

    BTW-you have done some great work!

    BTW-I am now following you on twitter also.



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