Thursday, May 16, 2013

{Faith} do. Good Stitches Bee Blocks

 I finished up my do. Good Stitches blocks for this month and thought I would share them along with last month's blocks!
April's blocks for the Faith circle were simple trianges! I love a simple block and it's amazing how it can turn out so cute. Sometimes the simpler the better. Anita at Rhubard Patch asked us to use pink, orange and low volume scrappy.
If you are interested the directions are: Cut 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" rectangles, one color and one of a low volume. Sew together for a 6 1/2" square block. Bam, that's it! As usual, I can't wait to see how this one turns out.
For May's blocks Debbie, Blue Ridge Girl asked us to use the Film in Fridge Scrappy Triangles tutorial. I love a block that uses up my scraps (they are a little out of control right now). I think you can tell by my blocks that I love happy, bright colors!
I am just loving being involved in the bee. It gives me a chance to try new blocks and do a little good in the world. Nothing better! Be sure to come back tomorrow for Farmer's Wife Friday!


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