Friday, May 17, 2013

Farmer's Wife Friday - Seeing Spots!

 Welcome Farmer's Wife fans! Hope you've had a great week! I had a wonderful week with my parents visiting. The hardest part is watching them drive away. Yesterday was hard, I miss them already!
This week's blocks has me seeing spots and gave me one super simple block and one more complicated block. Snowball is about as easy as it gets. Large squares and HSTs.
 The next block is called Spider Legs, first of all eewww on the name! I think spider legs are just about the creepiest thing on the planet, I'm sure there could've been a better name for this one. Right? Shudder.
Photo: Camille Roskelley
 This block actually came together easier than I thought it would. Just a lot of cutting out as usual. I have taken to using Camille Roskelley's method of cutting out my pieces. Basically cutting out multiple pieces at the same time using a rotary cutter. And laying out your blocks next to your sewing machine so you know how to stitch them. (BTW, doesn't Camille have the prettiest hands?)

I also got one of these. A rotating mat! It was mentioned as something that is needed for a class I'll be taking soon, so I used my Joann's coupon and got it. It is awesome for Farmer's Wife blocks! Especially using the cut a bunch at a time method. 
Do you have any hints or tricks for making this little blocks? I'd love to hear them! And here's your chance to share what blocks you are making, it's time to link up!
Here are the link up rules:

  • Use the linky tool and link your blog posts or flickr pictures of Farmer's Wife blocks.
  • You must LINK back to this post within your post. You can also grab a Farmer's Wife Friday button (on the right side bar).
  • Have fun reading all the posts! Don't forget, everyone loves a nice comment! 
If you haven't made blocks for a while, get moving! It feels so good to keep going on them. Next thing you know, you'll be seeing spots too. ;)
Have an awesome weekend!


  1. Wonderful blocks again Ellie.

  2. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
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Thank you for your comment, I love hearing from you!