I've been down with a cold since last Saturday and my two girls were out of school early every day this week for Parent/Teacher conferences. So needless to say it was a very unproductive week!

I've got so many projects on the drawing board, it was killing me! But I'm back in the saddle again and I have been able to finally finish stippling my quilt! I'm so excited about how it turned out and I can't wait to wash it to see it in all its crinkly goodness.

Since this was my first time stippling it was fun to see the improvement from where I started the quilt to where I ended it. I noticed my style was large and "floopy". Next time I'm going to try to do it smaller.

I'm now busy binding! This is also my first time binding a quilt. I've always made baby blankets in the past and they were just envelope style. So this is so fun. Can't wait to do the next quilt! I found the stippling very therapeutic. But then all crafting is for me:).
Here is a preview of my next project...hint...I've been needing a basic tote bag.