The girls had their Valentine parties at school today and got to bring their valentines in to hand out to friends today. Didn't you just love that when you were little? I remember carefully writing my classmates names on the cards and adding a few conversation hearts to each envelope. And then getting a valentine from everybody was the best (even boys, wow!).

So when it comes to giving out valentines I get as excited as my girls. But I can't do just boring old cards! I found these darling printables at my favorite digi-scrapbook site Shabby Princess. Sophie filled hers with a heart eraser and some candy treats.
Maggie filled hers with red cherry heart gummies. I just love the little peek-a-boo windows on these. If I'd had a bigger budget and more time I would have added some ribbon and bling. But I still love the way these turned out.
The girls were so excited to take these in and I know they will love showing me all the goodies they got too.
You are definitely the coolest Mum!! BTW, I think you may have your email incorrectly loaded on blogger... i always get notification emails each time I comment!
Thanks Lara, I'll try to figure that out.
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