I joined the Zipper Pouch Swap and made my first zipper pouch!This is actually a finished project, but it was so fun that I making a few more! It was easy and fast and could really be addicting!
I am also making a new bag to go along with the Travel Handmade series for Summit! I would love to make an Amy Butler Weekender, but I'm trying to be realistic with time pressures. Soooo I decided to make this cute little Heather Bailey bag! This is another pattern that I've had in my stash and so glad I can try it out. The main fabric on the left I saw at Hobby Lobby and fell in love with it! There were a couple of coordinates and the rest are from my stash.
All I have left to do on my herringbone mini quilt is bind! I am making this one for the FLiQS swap. I went out of my comfort zone on this one. Different colors, style, and I tried out a new FMQ quilting technique. I'm still hoping I did the right thing there.
I have recently basted this quilt that' ready for quilting! It's going to be a tutorial for Moda Bake Shop and I really should be getting it done! But to be honest we have been having some record high temperatures her in SoCal and it's been too hot! My sewing "room" is a little walk in closet in my room upstairs and it gets so stuffy in there! Then to have this big quilt on me, I keep sweating to death trying to get it done. So it's on the back burner until things stop burning!
My last little WIPs I just love. I am going to attempt to make the Hexy MF quilt from the Fat Quarterly Blog. I've been loving hexies lately and when I saw the quilt pattern, it just called my name! I decided it would be fun the add little embroidered designs to the center of each one of the hexy "flowers". TONS of work here folks. But what's fun is this project is entirely hand stitched so it's portable! I can take it with me and while I'm waiting for kids to get out of school or when I'm sitting in a ballet class, I can make some progress.
So that's my short list, I do have a ton of other projects (Farmer's Wife, hello?) but this will do for now. :) I just love how they are in all different stages so I have something to work on no matter what I'm in the mood to do.
I'm linking up to Freshly Pieced's WIP Wednesday!

I absolutely love your embroidered hexies...way cute!
Wow, you're one busy lady!
Hi Ellie. Your blog is so cute and creative :) I really like the zippered pouch - do you know the name of the turquoise floral fabric? I love it! Also love your embroidered hexies!!
i really love those hexies and hand stitching! so sweet.
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