Happy Friday! I hope all of you in the states had a wonderful Fourth of
July! It's one of our favorite holiday and we have a tradition of
spending it in St. George, UT. Small town holiday at it's finest! :) So
while I don't have any Farmer's Wife blocks this week, I'll share a
couple of pics from our holiday.

Our traditions include running (or walking, as is the case with me) a 5K, a community pancake breakfast & parade, going to the Gunlock Rodeo, watching the fireworks in town and setting off our own stash of fun fireworks later on. A new tradition when coming to St. George includes heading to Swig! This little place has become wildly popular and the picture above are a couple of reasons why. It's basically just a treat shop! They sell snow cones, fabulous and already Pinterest worthy sugar cookies and cheap drinks; the favorite being "Dirty" Diet Coke. They add a lime and a splash of coconut juice, SOoooo good! And becuase it's been 110+ degrees hereall week, we've had to go there a lot. ;)
We had a wonderful bbq with the family and then left into town to watch fireworks. We picked a spot right across from the beautiful St. George
LDS temple. This is the temple where I married my hubby for all eternity so it has a special place in my heart. Isn't it beautiful?
Later we came home and set off our own little firework party and the kid's favorite is always just simple sparklers. They could play with them for hours. This is my little Charlotte.
My daughter Sophie on the right and her friend Emily, who was also in town visiting from California, joined in the fun with us.
We had a full and very fun day filled with family, friends, fireworks, and good food. Who could ask for anything more?
Well, actually, time to ask you to post your Farmer's Wife block posts! I hope you had some time this week to work on them. Here are the rules for posting:
1. Link up any post or picture from the past week that features your Farmer's Wife quilt progress.
2. You must LINK back to this post within your post. You can also grab a Farmer's Wife Friday button (on the right side bar).
3. Have fun reading all the posts! Don't forget, everyone loves a nice comment!
I get to spend another week here on vacation, and despite the hot weather, I just love being here. I did bring my sewing machine, so hopefully I will share some blocks next week!