This week is Spring Break for my girls, but not for my high school aged son. The girls go to a charter school so they are on a different schedule than my son which is so frustrating! But we decided to make a girl's trip out of it and left the men home to survive on their own. :)
We are visiting my parents in St. George, UT, my favorite place to be. Not only is most of my family here,but there are lots of quilt shops too, bonus! And I have an awesome gift card to use at my favorite shop, Quilted Works. Been saving it since Christmas, thanks mom!
I always bring my sewing machine on trips hoping to do a lot of sewing, but end up having too much to do to be sitting at the machine. However I did sneak in a little sewing time to work on a couple of Farmer's Wife blocks. :) I love having this link up to keep me on my game!
Ready to link up your Farmer's Wife blog posts and pictures? Here's all you need to do:
Use the linky tool and link your blog posts or flickr pictures of Farmer's Wife blocks.
You must LINK back to this post within your post. You can also grab a Farmer's Wife Friday button (on the right side bar).
Have fun reading all the posts! Don't forget, everyone loves a nice comment!
Hope you all have had, are having, or will have a wonderful Spring Break! And to those of you who celebrate, Happy Easter!
Welcome to another Farmer's Wife Friday! I hope you had a chance to work on some blocks this week. My sewing time this week was spent working on my daughter's quilt and on some bee blocks. So last night I realized I needed to get farming! That's really why I am doing this linky. Is to keep myself motivated!
Luckily my blocks this week were easy as far as Farmer's Wife blocks go. I was able to knock them out pretty quickly.
I must have been inspired by my do. Good Stitches blocks without even realizing because I decided to do this week's blocks in blue and pink! I haven't used that combination in a while. I chose my favorite polka dots as the main prints but kept it simple. Maybe a little too simple, I haven't decided yet.
Did you get any blocks made this week? I'd love to see them! It's your turn to link up! Here what you need to do:
Use the linky and link your blog posts or flickr pictures of Farmer's Wife blocks. Grab a Farmer's Wife Friday button (on the right side bar) and link back to this post. Have fun reading everyone's posts! Don't forget, everyone loves a nice comment!
This month's do. Good Stitches bee block was given to us by Melissa. She chose a sweet butterfly block that is as simple as it is cute! And the colors she chose are pink and aqua, two of my favorites, yum!
The blocks are 6 1/2" and all you have to do is add fabric scraps to the corners! They are meant to be scrappy and a little wonky so each one is unique.
And then when you put the blocks together, wholla! The cutest little pink & aqua butterflies! These blocks are great because they are a snap to put together but make such a darling quilt.
Here is a picture of a finished quilt. Isn't it adorable? It is made by Emily who is in another do. Good Stitches group. She made the tutorial that we used. If you'd like to get directions for the quilt, you can find the tutorial here. As always I can't wait to see the finished quilt!
So I did it, I went and joined another quilt bee. Do I have time to take on new projects? Well, no. But I have loved being in the Do Good Stitches bee and I just couldn't resist! The difference is this time I will receive a bunch of blocks made just for me. How fun is that?
I joined the 4 x 5 Modern Quilt Bee on Flickr. What exactly is that you ask? There are "hives" of five members and you swap blocks four times a year! Each member of the hive makes a block for you using their pattern but in the colors you specify. So by the end of the year you should have 20, 12 1/2" blocks to make a quilt!
My biggest dilemma was figuring out a color scheme I wanted for my blocks. I have been crushing on the pb & j fabric line from Basic Grey. I also loved last year's line Salt Air from Cosmo Cricket. It's awesome that navy is coming back in style and loved these four colors together-navy, red, yellow and aqua, yum! Seems fresh, nautical, patriotic, just summery. And I'm in the mood for summer!
So here is the little inspiration mosaic that I put together for my hive. I can't wait to see what blocks people choose and how they will interpret my color choices. A bit out of the norm for me, I mean there's no pink! The members of my hive have also given me some cool combinations to work with. Orange and aqua, purple and grey, bright blues, it should be fun! Now I just need to figure out an interesting block pattern. And I've got to finish all of my other projects too. I better be off!
Welcome to Farmer's Wife Friday! Link up your blog posts or pictures of your Farmer's Wife blocks.
Even with good progress on my new project, (I know, I know, I really shouldn't take on new projects when I have so many WIPs but I can't help it!) I was able to piece together a couple of blocks this week. And they weren't easy, lots and I mean LOTS of little pieces!
The first block is #67, Pine Tree. I took the tree part pretty literally and made it green. I also used my new favorite background, the white with red polka dots. Such a simple element, but I love the difference it makes.
I've been excited for a while to make #68 Postage Stamp. There is just nothing like the simplicity of patch worked squares! I decided to carry on the color scheme from the other block and use all green and yellow fabrics. And the little pops of red add just the right touch. I'll admit, the piecing isn't totally precise, but these blocks are so small and it was downright hard to keep them perfect!
Actually, the hardest part about each of these blocks was just cutting out all those little squares and triangles. But as with all the blocks, it was worth it! Two more down and lots more fun to go. :)What blocks are you working on, it's time to link up! Here are the rules: Use the linky and link your blog posts or flickr pictures. Grab a Farmer's Wife Friday button (on the right side bar) and link back to this post. Have fun reading everyone's posts! Don't forget, everyone loves a nice comment!
Hope you get a chance to work on more of these happy blocks this week!
I have taken on a new project, but it's one that has been in the works for like four years. Seriously. And it's for my daughters who keep asking, "when are you going to make our quilt"? How could I disappoint these precious faces?
A little history first. Back in 2008/09 we were in a major transition time. We were supposed to be moving out of the country. We sold our home, had our stuff in storage and I closed down my Ebay fabric store. Then the economy took a dive and the hubs was laid off. We were stuck with no job and no place to live! We ended up with my parents for a while until we found a new job and home. During that time I was a little antsy pantsy. Without my business I had more time on my hands. That was when I started my blog and took up quilting again.
For my first project I promised my daughter, Maggie Rose that I would make her a quilt in her favorite color, yellow. As I searched for the perfect fabric to use I came across Tanya Whelan's new (at the time) line, Darla. Gorgeous lemon yellows, touches of pink and roses! If you are a regular blog reader, you know I adore florals, specifically roses. I'm sure you noticed that's even my daughter's middle name. :) So this fabric was perfect!
decided to keep it simple and make 8" patchwork squares. I was so
excited to be sewing again, but when I finished, I didn't really love
the way it turned out. Basically just too much yellow! Maggie didn't
want a lot of pink, but since the yellows were so pale and similar, it
just seemed a little blah. So the project took space on the back burner,
life moved on and were back in our own home.
Maggie shares a room with her little sister, Charlotte. And what is
Charlotte's favorite color? Pink, or course! We've looked everywhere for
a cute pink and yellow bedspread, but to no avail. All the while they
keep asking me to make one. Like the shoemaker's children that have no
shoes, the quiltmaker's children....well you get it.
Recently Thimble Blossoms
released the pattern, Flower Girl. The minute I saw it, I knew this would be the perfect quilt pattern for my girls. So I pulled out the "old quilt" and decided to recycle it. I'm using all of the same fabrics, but added more pinks to balance it out. And then the green leaves add even more contrast.
So far I am loving the way this quilt is looking. The blocks are a since to put together (once I cut up the hundreds of fabric squares)! Just looking at it makes me think of my girls and of the memories of the past. Can't wait to finish it up so they can enjoy it. And to know that they are sleeping under something made with so much love.
Don't forget tomorrow is Farmer's Wife Friday! Finish up some blocks and link up. I would love to see the blocks you're working on!
I simply adore Oliver + S patterns! They are classically styled and have the cutest detailing. I have made both the Jump Rope dress and the Ice Cream dress in the past. They are just perfect for my little squirt and they give me great practice on my "dressmaking" skills.
I guess I just love to make dresses because this time around I chose the Family Reunion dress. I found this fun orange floral fabric on sale at a fabric shopping excursion in Anaheim. I always gravitate toward florals and this one looked both vintage and modern at the same time, sold!
As I said I love the detailing on this pattern and because the fabric is so busy I thought the collar and darling little placket might get lost. I decided to add piping to help it stand out a little. The amazing part is when I went to Joann's they actually had this exact shade of orange, kind of a burnt orange. Score!
The detailing on the back includes a button placket all the way down, so darn cute! I also found little orange floral buttons at Joann's in the same shade, woot, woot! Can you tell I was super excited about all my finds? Don't you just love when a project come together like that? Speaking of details, I love all the little extras like simply stitching a few extra rows of stitches on the bottom of the skirt. It adds a great design element and some extra weight to the bottom to help the dress hang well.
My favorite part of the dress are all the little pleats! They didn't just make a cute dress on the front, they thought about the back too. Here are the back pleats with all the darling buttons.
And here are the front pleats with the cute little placket. I have to say I love the way the piping turned out and I'm so glad I decided to add it.
Here is little miss Charlotte in the dress. I had to chase her around the house and bribe her let me take pictures (only cost me one brownie:).
It fits her perfectly! Thank you Oliver + S for another great pattern. You can also make this pattern into a little blouse. I may have to try that next!
Coming back to reality after being gone for a week has really kicked my booty! It's been a busy week of getting back on schedule, meetings, freezer meal group, and of course, kids! I had plans for a few different posts, but I was just not able to squeeze them in. So here we are on Friday again and it's time to link up to your Farmer's Wife posts and picture!
I was able to get a couple of blocks done this week!I have been trying to be a purist in using the Annie's Farm Stand fabrics that I chose for my quilt. But besides solid white and a couple of cute scriptie prints I didn't have any light or white fabrics to set off the bold colors. I just kind of needed something else to use.
While in St. George I was able to go to three quilt shops. This is seriously one of the biggest bonuses of having family there. Fabric shopping! It's heavenly. I saw this simple white with red polka dots and knew that's what I had been looking for. I only wish they had it all the colors of my quilt. I would have done it. I will be on the lookout.
I love how just those few tiny dots make all the difference. It just brings the cuteness level up a notch. :)I would love to see what blocks you are working on! Let's get linking!
Here's what you need to do: Use the linky and link your blog posts or flickr pictures. Grab a Farmer's Wife Friday button (on the right side bar) and link back to this post. Enjoy everyone's progress! Have a fabulous Friday and a great weekend!
Welcome to Farmer's Wife Friday Link Up! I have made a goal to finish this quilt this year and needed a way to keep me moving on it! I thought having a weekly link up party with other inspiring posts and pictures would help me and hopefully you too! So if you have started but not yet finished this quilt, lets do this together! Link up if you have a blog post or a Flickr picture to share of your Farmer's Wife blocks.
This week I was able to take a little break from my daily routine and visit my parents in Southern Utah. I took my littlest one and the hubs is holding down the fort with the rest. It has been so nice and relaxing to not have to be anywhere or have any real schedule (insert collective sigh here). And it gave me a chance to work on a few little blocks. No official pictures or photo editing software, but these are the four that I got done. :)
Next week (after i settle back into routine:) I promise to have better pictures, but in the meantime I would love to see what you have done, it's time to link up! Submit your link and then grab a Farmer's Wife Friday button (on the right sidebar) and link back here! Happy Farming!