Friday, August 9, 2013

Farmer's Wife Friday

Hello all of you Farmer's Wife Friday followers! I just want to apologize up front for neglecting my little linky party. As many of you know, we had to move out of our home a couple of weeks ago and we still have not found the right home for us to move into. So we've been camping out at my parents house 6 hours from where we live. I've spent most days on the internet scouring the MLS and Craigslist trying to find "the one". Meanwhile the hubs has been staying with friends and working still and checking out homes here and there when I tell him there is one to see. I really got my hopes up yesterday for one, and then it turned out not as we'd hoped. Insert big *sigh* here. :) But I know that things can change quickly, so I still have hope the right home for us will show up.
 Needless to say Farmer's Wife blocks have not been my priority. I did make some time to sew up a couple of little pouches. One for a thank you to Debbie for making my Do Good Stitches bee blocks last month. It was so sweet of her and took a load off when we were right in moving mode. The other I made as a Girl's Camp Secret Sister gift for my daughter's church camp she's been attending all week.
 We also had a chance to celebrate a milestone birthday for my oldest, he's 16!! I cannot believe my 6'3" tall kid is that old. I mean where does that put me? Ugg. :) I love this kid more than I can say and I'm so proud of him. It breaks my heart to think I only have a couple of more years until he's flown the coop! It goes by so fast!

 So ladies I need some Farmer's Wife inspiration!! It was really my goal to finish my quilt this summer, and though that may not happen now I need a boost to keep me going! Please link up what you've been working on, I'd love to see what you've been up to. I'll keep the link open until Sunday night.

Hope you have a great weekend, I'm off to Cali to pick up my girl from camp and see a house or two, wish me luck!


Bluebell Ridge Handworks said...

Isn't it hard to wait for just the right house to come along? My son {age 19} is in the same situation, but with a vehicle. It's his first and there is a limited amount of money. There always seems to be some type of deal-breaking problem with each vehicle we've looked at.

Still loving my new pouch! I bet the one you sent to camp with your daughter was a big hit, too!!

Melissa said...

Cute pouches! And it's so sweet to send them. :)

I've got to make a few -- what tutorial did you use? Me and zippers kinda broke up a while ago. They never do what I want them to do... Maybe we should make up and try again? ;o)

I do want to know which tutorial or pattern you used, though. :)

Have a great week! Good luck finding a house!

Maxine said...

We miss you where are you?? Found a new home yet?

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